
Foreign Trade Zone

The SCPA operates U.S. Foreign Trade Zone #181 in Stark County, which includes more than 800 acres of general purpose zone and subzone land in Northeast Ohio. 

If you serve a global market, operating in FTZ #181 can help you:

  1. Save on tariffs
  2. Operate more efficiently

Foreign Trade Zone benefits:

  • Deferral, reduction, elimination of duties
  • Elimination of drawback
  • Labor overhead and profit not calculated in dutiable sale of zone merchandise
  • Excise tax reductions
  • Zone to zone transfers
  • Inventory control and security measures
  • Weekly entry for manufacturers
  • Direct delivery
Foreign Trade Zone Benefits

Can operating out of FTZ #181 benefit your company? Answer these questions and find out:

  • Does your company import?
  • Do you eventually export some of your imported product?
  • Do you manufacture or process imported items into other items?
  • Do you have large amounts of waste or scrap from your imported material?
  • Do you import merchandise subject to quotas?

If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, your company would probably save money using a foreign trade zone. The more yes answers you have, the more your profits could increase by using foreign trade zone status. Reach out to Michael Naso for more information 330.453.5900


Stark Development Board ©2017.